速報APP / 音樂與音效 / MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool

MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool



檔案大小:28.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool(圖1)-速報App

*Diagnose The Problem & Find the Solution*

Current Features:

+ See/detect, hardware/virtual active MIDI connections.

+ See all incoming messages.

MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool(圖2)-速報App

+ Send test notes on/off and control messages.

+ MIDI Channel filter: Eliminate messages comes from unwanted MIDI channels.

+ MIDI Message filter: Eliminate unwanted messages (e.g. Note on, Note off, Pitch wheel etc.)

+ MIDI System Exclusive filter: Eliminate MIDI Clock and many other unwanted MIDI messages.

MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool(圖3)-速報App

+ MIDI Delta-Time Added: See the time spent between messages

+ Record Incoming MIDI messages in background mode

+ 100% vectoriel cristal clear gorgeous user interface.

+ Slide the glass through the face, activate the desired filter with a gesture.

MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool(圖4)-速報App


Yamaha Bluetooth MD-BT01 users -> According to Yamaha user manual; all MIDI related application should be closed before bluetooth midi connection. Run the MIDI Check after connection established. If not you'll not be able to see the Yamaha midi connection on the app. This is not an application's issue. Because Yamaha use own BT protocol.

Upcoming Features:

- Music keyboard improvement.

MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool(圖5)-速報App

- Custom preset message send possibility.

MIDI Check - Diagnose Tool(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad